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Zirconia Dental Implants

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Zirconia Dental Implants


Dental implants are the standard of care for tooth replacement.

Dental implants can be made of different materials, but the most common ones are titanium and zirconium. Both titanium and zirconia dental implants are effective and safe ways to restore missing teeth. The choice between them depends on your personal preferences, budget, oral health, and aesthetic goals.

Zirconia Metal-free Dental Implants for a Natural Look

NIHA offers a porcelain, metal-free zirconia dental implant. The all ceramic Z-look3 dental implant from Z-Systems is simpler to place and more natural looking than other types of implants. It is the most conservative approach to tooth replacement. This is basically a post placed or rotated into the bone. After healing, which takes  4-6 months, a crown can then be placed. The attraction of an implant is that it is permanent and does not involve adjacent teeth.  Many dentists use titanium implants, and we will restore titanium implants if needed,  but these may present several problems which can be resolved with our preferred implant material, porcelain / zirconium. The only potential limitations to ceramic dental implants is the wait time to heal and the amount of jaw bone available in which to place an implant.

  • Completely metal-free restoration
  • FDA approved
  • Biocompatible
  • Natural white zircon
  • Ideal for patients with allergies
  • Comfortable, permanent and attractive

Zirchonia Porcelain Dental Implants vs. Titanium Dental Implants

Titanium implants, used by 95% of dentists,  are usually titanium on which crowns are cemented. Titanium dental implants have been used for decades and have a high success rate. Titanium is stronger than zirconia, but zirchonia is biocompatible with the human body. There is an occasional esthetic concern with metal showing, but the biggest concern is that some people develop allergies or sensitivities to titanium, which may cause jaw bone and gum irritation and inflammation as well as occasional implant rejection. Titanium is versatile for many types of dental implants, and can be used for any type of tooth replacement. They can also accommodate different types of crowns and bridges but titanium can corrode over time due to exposure to saliva, bacteria, or acidic foods and drinks.

Zirconia is a ceramic material that has properties similar to natural teeth. Zirconia dental implants look very natural and blend well with the surrounding teeth and gums. They do not show any metal and do not cause any discoloration of the gums or the crown. The new porcelain or Zirconium implants are usually better accepted by tissues of the jaws and gums, as the material is biocompatible with the human body. More people approve the non-metal solution for aesthetic reasons.

The biocompatible all ceramic implants are made up of 2 pieces, including the anchor portion that goes into the bone and an abutment,  which lends flexibility to the implant. All implants take several months to heal depending upon the location; upper teeth in about 6 months and lower teeth heal in 3-4 months.  Zirconia dental implants may be more expensive than titanium dental implants due to their higher manufacturing costs and lower availability. 

Ultimately, based on your personal situation, your dentist will determine with you which option would be best for you.


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