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Cardiometabolic Health Program

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Cardiometabolic Health Program

Cardiometabolic Disease is a constellation of health issues involving metabolic dysfunction and cardiovascular conditions. Cardiometabolic disease is characterized by cardiovascular issues such as heart attack, stroke, angina, high blood pressure and disorders of the vascular system, and metabolic disorders that occur together including obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, abdominal adiposity (belly fat), and impaired glucose tolerance.

Cardiometabolic disease is common in middle and older generations and other names used for cardiometabolic diseases are cardiometabolic syndrome (CMS), metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, syndrome X, or beer belly syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome is a collection of symptoms which include abdominal obesity (waistline 40 inches or more in men, 35 inches or more in women), high triglycerides, low “good” HDL cholesterol and high blood pressure and is a major contributor to increased risk for cardiometabolic syndrome.

High Risk for a Cardiac Event or Diabetes

According to Jos Ordovs, PhD, director of the Nutrition and Genomics Research Lab at Tufts’ HNRCA, “When two or more of these risk factors coexist, it doubles the risk of heart attack and stroke and increases the risk of diabetes by a factor of 5 (both over a period of 5 to 10 years). Some experts have proposed additional cardiometabolic risk factors, including high levels of C-reactive protein in the blood, a marker of chronic inflammation thought to contribute to cardiovascular disease.

Risk factors allow doctors and researchers to identify individuals who may be at risk of more serious cardiometabolic diseases and take corrective action. If you have risk factors for cardiometabolic disease, the first step is to institute changes in lifestyle, such as losing weight and eating a healthier diet.”

Around 25% of the world's adults are suffering from cardiometabolic syndrome and it is now a global health issue.

Functional Medicine Treatment to Lower Risk Factors of Cardiometabolic Syndrome

The first step is to meet with an MD to assess your current cardiovascular and metabolic status. The goal of this personalized program is to reduce or eliminate the major risk factors that are contributing to cardiometabolic disease. After a thorough medical evaluation, the physician will make recommendations for the patient to work on with the support of a wellness coach, to encourage effective and long-term lifestyle changes.


Management of cardiometabolic disease may be accomplished with a combination of diet, exercise, medication and detoxification. A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, poor stress management or lack or physical exercise are lifestyle factors to correct.

Reduce Inflammation

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and Metabolic disorders are chronic systemic inflammatory conditions. The bowel and liver are always involved in CVD, Metabolic diseases and all other chronic systemic inflammatory conditions. Inflammation can be reduced by identifying and addressing the root cause of inflammation such as diet, infection, allergies, etc. and improving the health of the bowel and liver.


Personally tailored nutritional advice from the physician to help you correct nutritional inadequacies and a health coach to help you implement any needed changes.

The Program

With a functional medicine approach, extensive lab testing will be to determine the root causes and contributory factors to cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance. This may include:

Physical and Cardio history profile

Lab Testing for the biomarkers of insulin sensitivity and biochemical assessments for cardiovascular and metabolic disease including:

  • Blood pressure
  • Body weight
  • Lipid panel
  • Comprehensive CBC
  • A1C, Fasting blood glucose
  • Diabetes antibody panel
  • Fasting C-Peptide
  • Nutreval
  • C-Reactive protein (CRP)
  • Vitamin D
  • Thyroid panel as needed

Heart Rate Variability HRV Testing - The test takes about 15 minutes, and is completely painless and noninvasive. During the test, a monitor is placed under your chest to measure heartbeats. By measuring the interval between heartbeats, we are able to assess Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) functions which regulate heartbeat, heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, respiration, saliva, urine, digestion of food, and balancing glandular function. We will use this information to establish a baseline of your health and track improvement over time as therapies are administered and lifestyle changes have been made.

Pharmacogenetic Profile- This is a specific lab test for patients on medication long-term to see what is most effective for their genetic profile and what is less likely to have side effects.

The value of this program is:

  • Comprehensive assessment
  • Program includes doctor and health coach visits, plus IV's
  • Integrative approach combining the best of traditional and naturopathic medicine with MD or ND supervision
  • The tracking of results - the three biggest concerns of the patient and the three biggest concerns from the providers will be assessed in the initial visit and tracked over time to ensure that positive and measurable results are taking place.
  • The integration with a wellness coach to address the lifestyle factors that contribute to Cardiometabolic diseases. Additionally, the length and commitment of the program help to ensure that the patient can establish long-lasting habits, so improvements can be maintained over time.
  • Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, liver disease, and heart disease are significant co-morbidities of Coronavirus and it is important to reduce the risk factors associated with poor outcomes for coronavirus.


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