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Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism is a complex developmental disorder that typically appears during the first three years of life, impacting development in all areas, especially social interaction and communication skills. Autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that it can manifest itself in forms ranging from mild to severe.

The autism spectrum looks like this:

Pervasive Dev. Delay (PDD)
PDD- Not Otherwise Specified (NOS)
Least severe
Most severe
An Integrative Medicine Approach to Autism

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, is a wide range of developmental disorders that affect the nervous system. The most recent statistics show that 1 in 68 children in the United States have an autism spectrum disorder. That affects over 3 million children. An estimated 1 in 42 boys are diagnosed in the U.S., compared with 1 out of 189 girls.(1)

Autism is a complex disorder which impairs social and communication skills. The symptoms of autism are thought to be permanent, but current research shows that a variety of interventions may help children with overcoming social, communication and developmental challenges faced by children with autism. There is a wide spectrum of approaches to autism. The integrative medical approach to autism spectrum disorders is to address the underlying multi-factorial causes which may contribute to the child’s condition. The following areas form the basis of a biomedical testing and treatment approach.

Detailed history and physical, including prenatal, birth history, immunizations and developmental milestones.

Individualized Laboratory Testing

The use of advanced lab testing can help identify and correct underlying physical problems and create a healthier internal environment in a child's body, which may allow recommended sensory, motor, educational and behavioral therapies to work more effectively.

  • Food and environmental allergy testing
  • Evaluation for Heavy metals
  • Evaluation for infections, e.g. Lyme and co-infections, Viruses and Fungi, Mold, PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus) and PANS (Pediatric Acute Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome)
  • Organic acids
  • MTHFR or additional genetic testing
  • Digestive imbalances
Nutritional Counseling
  • Diet can have a big impact on autism symptoms. A number of foods, most commonly casein in dairy products, gluten, and soy can exacerbate autism symptoms. On the other hand, diet rich in berries, green leafy vegetables, seeds, and nut butters may reduce inflammation and help cognitive function.
  • An organic diet reduces the toxic load from chemicals or pesticides used in food production.

Look into supportive services (outside  NIHA) to optimize your child’s development, education, socialization and overall health. These can include the following:

  • Speech Therapy: Not just for actual language challenges, but also to address Feeding and Sensory issues with eating. Many children have nutritional challenges and texture issues with certain foods
  • Individualized Education Plans: for education
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Play and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Find Your Child's Special Gifts

All children have special gifts and talents that can be valued as a blessing. Our recommendation to parents of children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder is to find what is unique, precious and special about your child. Autism is not a condition that should be viewed as fixable or reversed. Set attainable goals. Change negative perspectives and outlooks for your child. Avoid “guilt parenting” . Try not to question “What is wrong with my child?” but ask “What is different about my child and how can I, as his parent, help develop these challenging differences into success? “

It is important to have an organized approach to the multi-factorial root causes for the overall condition, which along with a community of practitioners, specialists, and modalities…like those of us here at NIHA… will assist you in this journey.


"I just wanted to thank you so much for your personal care with my son.  As you know, when we first came to your office, he could only say a few words and was constantly looking out the window instead of making eye contact.  It's been hard, but after following your treatment for 6 months, he is saying complete sentences, making eye contact with all our family members and I think you remember this from our last visit: 'Dr. Kannankeril, look out the window, the crane is moving.  Also, your name is hard to pronounce!'  It's been wonderful working with you and we're so glad we found your practice." 
—Regarding 6 year old male patient (Autism)


"A million thanks for your help with our son. One month on Dr. Kannankeril's treatment protocol and he is engaging, aware, making signs and trying to communicate with us for the first time ever! All our behavioral and speech therapists have said that he's like a different child! Even if this is the only improvement we see, that's fine because his response has been amazing! Thank you again!"
—Regarding 2 year old male patient (Autism)


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